Welcome to Leighlinbridge Tidy Towns Online!
Our website is designed to provide you with a visual appreciation for just how beautiful Leighlinbridge is. We will keep the text to a minimum and, instead, we will ask you to enjoy a trip around our website where you can see high-quality photographs, interactive maps, 360/VR videos and links to our various social media accounts. There is also a "communication & education" theme throughout our website and we aim to keep you informed of all our initiatives and tidy towns events taking place throughout the year.
Leighlinbridge Tidy Towns was established during 1980 and we have strived to keep Leighlinbridge as a beautiful, litter-free and visually stunning village ever since. We have a committee of 20 local residents and we also have a huge number of local volunteers, without whom we couldn't keep going. Thanks to everyone who volunteers with us - your time and expertise is greatly appreciated. We work closely with the Dept. of Social Protection, Carlow County Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service and other state agencies. We also thank these partners for helping us progress the Tidy Towns movement across Leighlinbridge.